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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a bond?

Community colleges can borrow funding to pay for the construction, expansion and renovation of grounds and buildings. Voters must approve these funds through a bond election on the ballot. CCC is placing a bond measure on the November 2024 ballot.

Why does the college need this bond?

This bond renewal is an investment in our community's future that would prepare our students for success with modern learning spaces and innovative in-demand programs; improve community access to our college; enhance partner and community connections; and preserve and maintain our assets by updating, maintaining and repairing aging facilities.  

How would the bond impact the community?

The bond would impact our community and students in three ways: 

  1. Expands student opportunities by funding the construction of a Natural Resources Center of Excellence for horticulture, farming, welding and wildland fire; partnering with the Clackamas OSU Extension Service; as well as modernizing existing classrooms to meet the needs of education today. 
  2. Strengthens our community connections and access by creating workforce partnerships at our Wilsonville campus, improving athletic fields and walking trails on campus for community use and creating lifelong STEM learning opportunities for K-12 students with a space simulator center, partnering with a nonprofit organization that was created to honor the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger.
  3. Preserves and maintains our assets by providing Clackamas Community College with the funds to make needed renovations and large-scale repairs including increasing accessibility for people with disabilities, addressing safety hazards, improving security and upgrades to building systems, which would make them more reliable and energy-efficient. 

Would this bond increase my taxes?

No, this is a bond renewal. The college estimates that the proposed $110-120 million bond, if passed, would renew the existing tax rate of 25 cents per $1,000 of assessed value. This is estimated to not raise your tax rate.

Why now?

Financial stability is one of the college’s Strategic Priorities, and planning to maintain and enhance the college’s existing assets is a key way to leverage taxpayer resources in support of the learning environment at CCC.

In 2014, the college district approved a $90-million bond for us to expand and update our buildings, facilities and grounds. Those projects are now completed and that bond is expiring. The 2024 bond is a planned second phase that is timed so it would continue providing funds for the college without raising taxes.

What planning went into this bond proposal?

To inform the second phase of our bond, we did a lot of research and collection of data. The college developed a concept master plan, an athletic facilities master plan and a mechanical, electrical and plumbing master plan. Projects and needs identified in those plans totaled more than $300 million. We then formed a bond development work group of employees across the college, students and board members. Over a series of meetings, they worked to refine and prioritize the list of projects. We took that list and polled both internally and externally to see how the projects resonated with the college community. Using that information, we categorized the projects into themes.
Lori Hall


Lori Hall

Public Information Officer  

Clackamas Community College

19600 Molalla Ave., Oregon City, OR 97045


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